NFL fall out...will it mean new ruggers?

There is a lot of speculation that the NFL will be evolving into a new creature in the next decade. In front of millions of fans, the NFL is forced to cover up, yet slo-mo replay, the growing number  of injuries to all levels of player on Mondays, Thursdays, and all day and night on Sundays. The politics of today have come into full contact with the NFL and the owners are squirming in every way, we imagine.

Meanwhile, we have rappers stepping up and talking really big about starting leagues outside of the NFL. Of course, that's been tried a few times, even by our current president. 

Participation in Youth League football is on the decline and will probably continue in that direction. We wonder how those would-have-been football players will be absorbed into the wicked cool alternative sports that have become a way of life for many kids in the last two decades.

Ultimate. Lacrosse. Rugby. Skateboarding. CrossFit. MMA.

The list grows every year.  And the sports networks are slowly fitting rugby 7s in, thereby influencing those who would not know to go 'stream' for rugby.  But so slowly, really. What else can help?

It's key that safety is our top concern in US rugby. We should strongly support touch rugby programs as they open up the sport to a wide variety of athletes.

We must emphasize positive attitudes and respectful behavior for all rugby supporters and players and coaches. That is one way rugby can stay above the rest of the fuming, yelling crowd!

Our female leadership and the phenomenal popularity of women's rugby will certainly cause rugby to rise in all ways.  And if we continue to honor the long standing rugby traditions of discipline, camaraderie, and mutual respect then we can remain an important, vibrant, growing sport among the much wider range of sports played in this millennium.

The NFL is facing a few crises; let's help spread the word... rugby is the best choice.