Say THANK YOU more...

Say THANK YOU more...

Seems obvious enough, but an enthusiastic thank you at a time that's not 'typical' can mean the world to someone.
We all yip it up for the coaches, supporters, helpers at the end of a championship run, or when they do something personally that helps us.
Taking the outside-the-clock time to appreciate someone is no old-fashioned contrivance, rather, it is something necessary to feel connected to others.
There are so many individuals who contribute to the working of a sports team, and rugby has a varied, robust cast of characters, no matter the setting or level.  Try to wrap your head around what has to happen for one game to go on and then extrapolate out to a whole rugby tournament and then to all the fields for championships. So many wonderful rugby people contributing and all of them deserve many thank yous.
It's important to say thank you because it helps keep the maul rolling, lets folks know they're appreciated, and potentially makes you look at yourself and how you're contributing.
Perhaps, anticipating a thank you that is meaningful can also help you consider things folks have done for you in the past- to include rugby inspiration.
Try putting a note up where you're encouraged daily to thank two or three people (rugby or just regular people LOL) for something special. Every rugby life is full of options.